
MIOPS MOBILE: A Versatile Camera Remote That Connects to Your Phone

October 20th, 2016 Jump to Comment Section
MIOPS MOBILE: A Versatile Camera Remote That Connects to Your Phone

With only 3 days left and over triple the minimum funding goal of $50 000, Miops Mobile is offering something that is both useful and compact for your everyday filmmaking needs.


Camera Remotes have been a standard tool in everyone’s kit for a while now, but they can be expensive, plain and boring. Many have tried to use Kickstarter as a platform to reinvent the small black and white screened remotes. With Apple OS Kits allowing customers to tap into the power of mobile applications, MIOPS have tapped into the power of using an app that allows more than any trigger could possibly offer, and that at an even better price.

MIOPS MOBILE Remote features


Motion, Vibration Sense and Sound Trigger Mode

The app’s MOTION mode uses the smartphone’s camera to watch for the action. It captures photos of moving objects without the need for a manual trigger. This could be useful for capturing wildlife, or even a moving selfie.

The MIOPS MOBILE will also trigger a shot using its vibration sense feature. Using the architecture of a smartphone’s gyroscope and accelerometer, the phone can be attached to a pole, which will allow you to capture your best slam dunk.

Using the smartphone’s microphone, the MIOPS is capable of triggering on sound bites.


If the above didn’t peak your interest, this is where it gets interesting. MIOPS MOBILE enables Long Exposure Timelapses, allowing you to capture exposures of up to 99 minutes in duration! If you ever struggled with Day to Night transitions, the Bulb Ramping feature will make light transitions possible by seamlessly changing exposures from beginning to the end. The HDR features allows for timelapse mode as well, making the MIOPS MOBILE an easy tool to create HDR timelapses with, a technique that will reveal more shadow and highlight detail.

MIOPS MOBILE also takes full advantage of a smartphone’s GPS technology, and can be set to fire a shutter over predetermined distances. This will ease the pain of creating long hyperlapses.


Shutter Control

MIOPS MOBILE offers far more functionality than a standard cable release. Its six different cable release modes really put you in command of the shutter. You can release it with a single touch, keep the shutter open as long as you want, or set a timer to release the shutter. Press&Lock, Press&Hold as well as the Timed Release functions will turn Star Trail photography into a piece of cake.

What do you think of MIOPS MOBILE? Does it sound like the kind of project you may want to back? For more details please visit their Kickstarter page, but if you do decide to back them, why not let us in the comment section below?

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