
DJI Prevents Drone Flights Over Syria and Iraq

DJI Prevents Drone Flights Over Syria and Iraq

ISIS has been using weaponized drones (UAVs) in their fight against Iraqi military forces with increasing accuracy, and leading drone manufacturer DJI has had enough. As of late February, new no-fly zones are covering much of Iraq and Syria.


Image Credit: Rin Ehlers Sheldon

According to VICE News, DJI is now preventing their products from being flown over large portions of Iraqi and Syrian airspace. While there is limited data available to verify if their products are indeed the types of drones ISIS uses, it is probable that at least some DJI UAV’s may have found their way to the battlefield given their market dominance.

Defensive options aimed at protecting people on the ground from malicious drone pilots has been increasing in recent months, with a new Drone Gun capable of bringing down a Phantom series UAV from 1.2 miles away.

Image: Graham Ehlers Sheldon

Syria and Iraq aren’t the only countries with drone no-fly zones. Military bases, airports and other sensitive areas are also off limits to drone pilots. You can find a full map of these areas on DJI’s website HERE.

In my opinion, DJI has the right to make sure their products aren’t being used in war zones, but this is just another argument in the difficult conversation about the responsible use of drone aircraft that, while more regulated, are far from over.

Source: VICE News


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