
Vimeo Film Festival – 25K In Prize Money


The Vimeo Film Festival will be held from June 3rd, 2010 until July 31st, 2010. Categories include Narrative, Remix, Original Series, Documentary, Music Video, Animation, Motion Graphics, Experimental and Captured. They will also award two honorary categories called Digital Maverick and The Feature Presentation. There is 25K worth of prizes in the form of grants. The entry fee per submission is $20 for non-pro subscribers and $5 for pro members.

“The Vimeo Festival and Awards will be a celebration of the best original and creative video that has premiered online. Our goal is to reward the individual creators behind online video and acknowledge the internet as a quality medium of expression and distribution. And of course, we’re going to do it in style.”

I think that vimeo has better quality than You Tube but have stayed away because of the $60 yearly fee to upload more than a few HD videos per month. Now I guess I am going to have to pony up the cake and join. The savings for the film festival alone is worth it.

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